Mike Vogel

photos, videos and sometimes witty captions

Saturday, March 04, 2006


I've been maintaining mikevogel.com for about six years and I've learned more about web coding than I ever really wanted to.

I started off with a Flash and RealVideo site in 1999, then realized it was going to be impossible to maintain it with fresh content-- and there's no reason to come back to a site that only gets updated every three months.

I moved to the "syndicated column" style in 2000, well before "blogs" hit the mainstream. But it quickly became apparent that using static HTML pages was not going to be the best way to frequently update a site.

To solve this update problem, I had to learn a little PHP and mySQL. It gave me a lot of flexibility, but I never found an easy way to get content to my site. I could submit text from my phone, but not images--that required transferring the file to my computer and FTPing it. I just wanted to use the things I did all the time--email, text messages, phone calls--to update my site.

I finally realized that everything I wanted to do was freely available from Blogger and Flickr--this isn't a plug for either company, but I'm using their stuff and it's free (the domain and hosting is currently GoDaddy and is almost free).

Today represents a new era for mikevogel.com. I'm out of the web coding business and back into the meaningless content business.

See pictures from the old mikevogel.com on Flickr

And for those of you that care, eventually I will post all those old mikevogel.com editions so you can see just how much I was ripping off Dave Barry.


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